Saturday, December 31, 2005

Los Angeles - Hollywood - Universal Studios

We are now in Los Angeles. It still cold but less: 15 C

With one Chinese and two Korean girls we went to Universal Studios. On the pictures you can see some impressive remaining scenes from The war of the Worlds, WaterWorld etc.
You can also go in the Jurassic park and we were attacked through Dinosaurs just like the movie:)
All looked very REAL.

For a while we crossed Beverly Hills and saw the big Californian houses.

Finally, we went to the Hall of Fames in Hollywood and eated some local junk food specialities ...

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Indeed, the last time it was so cold in UK was 19 years ago (-7 C)
You can imagine how was Tina in this weather ...
We met Karel and Ana and went to visit some place like Notting Hill, Camden Town, Westminster, Hyde Park, British museum, Soho, ...
Tina says: 'Joder estaba un FRIO de .... MADRE!!!!'

We had an adventure with the plane. After the take off, some smoke went out of the wings. We had to come back to London with an escort of fire trucks!
The next plane was the day after. Fortunately, we had an hotel and restaurants paid by the Airline.

A big thanks to Silvia to let us her flat !!!

Pictures from left to rigth: Karel and Anam; Tina in the tags; tina, the Big Ben and Nicolas; a London activist; Karel, Ana and Nicolas in Notting Hill.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Departure from Barcelona

Here we go!!! Both with a bag of 60 Litres.
Gustavo, Roger, Patty and Puri were with us in the airport to say "Hasta la vista"

Monday, December 26, 2005

Despedida Barcelona

Friday, December 23, 2005

Nadal 2005

Entrar en una casa, desconeguda, com sempre, i descobrir que, en el teu propi pais, les persones que més et ve de gust passar el Nadal son tots estrangers. I avui, com una petita familia, ens trobem junts, sense parlar del molt que ens enyorarem, o del que hem disfrutat junts. De fet, no fa falta, perquè sabem que, junts, hem construït un nou concepte de casa: el mon.
Es un plaer estar aqui, entre tantes histories que s'entrellacen i que quedaran unides en el mapa penjat en casa del Dud: el mon. Mentrestant, en Roger i jo, comencem a pensar en la propera trobada/ poser Barcelona, o potser Sao Paulo.
Sentiments que s'entrellacen i que floten en l'ambient deixant un missatge: nous sommes pirates!!