Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Cambodia - Phnom Penh - Angkor

From Laos, we went to Cambodia. And our friend Charles from Belgium is still with us!
It's a country with a lot of contrast. On the one hand there was an awful genocide when the Khmers Rouges took the power in the year 1970.
On the other hands, you have the wonderful temples of Angkor.First, we stopped in Phnom Penh. It's a busy city with a lot of difference between the rich and the poor.We visited the S-21 prison. It was one of the prison where the Khmers Rouges from Pol Pot were torturing people. Very Impressive.

Then, we went to Angkor. We visited those fantastic temples during three days. They were made between the 10 and the 13th century. In that time more than 1 million people were living in Angkor. To compare, there were only 50 000 people in London at the same time! When walking in the temples you can see many big trees that have start to grow there. It's kind of Indiana Jones effect;)

In one of the restaurant where we eated, they were keeping crocodiles in the canalizations...

Finally, we visit a Land Mine Museum. Cambodia is one of the country in the world with the most active landmines. More than 7 million are suppose to be still active at the border with Thailand. Every year, there are still hundreds of accidents. It's really an awful weapon that should be banished.


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